
Abbaye de Maubuisson

I’ve begun this new year by seeing a project long in the making come to fruition.  “COMMENT VIVRE ENSEMBLE? voyage de mémoire en pologne” has culminated in an exhibition at the Abbaye de Maubuisson.  I am thrilled to have been able to work with Gad Elbaz of l’OPEJ throughout the project, and to co-curate and design this brilliant show of stunning photographs by my colleagues and dear friends vincent gapaillard and sylvie hatchwell that depict a moving journey made by a group of young students to discover a common history and a true meaning to diversity all while confronting the horrors of genocide.  This theme seems so pertinent today, as Obama gave his innaugural address yesterday with the integral theme of acceptance and inclusion, something we’ve heard our leaders speak of too rarely.  I’ll leave it at that. For more info, please see the links below.

  paris art

fondation pour la mémoire de la shoah





