
Monthly Archives: April 2008

i decided it was rosé drinking weather again today, i actually copied the woman ahead of me in the wine store and changed my mind at the last minute, like she did, to abandon a bottle of some dark wood paneled red and opt for the 2€ bottle of rosé de la cîté de carcassonne. it’s going down smooth and chill right now on this somewhat spring like evening. a good, light, crisp rosé is such a positively matter of fact wine, and when matched with fresh air,  is perfectly intoxicating.

if you notice carefully, behind the smudgy glass lies a wonderful new array of fantastic plants that were just recently transported from a garden in the suburbs to my windowsill.


things are definitely perking up over here…look at this amazing blue flowering bush.  it’s called a ceanothus or a california lilac……this one is in the square du temple, and it is mind blowing, i ate a sandwich next to it today…..a lot of the fun of spring is getting up and going to where the action is. the japanese have been doing it for centuries, watching the cherry blossoms.  i’m planning a ceanothus watching party right now.





and the pink explosion below needs no comment….the colors are insane.




Needless to say, I’m a big Pina Bausch fan, and so was especially honored to have created the décor for the Gala celebrating the world premiere of her piece,  Nefes, during the Next Wave Festival at BAM.

As there is a Turkish musical influence in the performance, we created what we called a “vaguely Turkish” look with hundreds of custom, handmade lampshades and of course a hot Turkish jazz band, enjoy!