If you live, like I do, in Europe, and come from, like I do, the United States, you will understand the extreme dreaminess of the image that follows.  Mexican food is just something that does not exist here, anywhere. You can get a very good margarita at the Studio at the Café de la Danse on the Rue du Temple, Paris3….but DON’T eat there you’ll be sorry.

I had the extreme good fortune to have recently been out to San Francisco, which in my opinion, has the best mexican food outside mexico. This was the lunch i ate every day in the Mission.

img_0124QUE RICO!

  1. It’s funny, because it’s still not REAL. That beef looks shredded. We have cabeza, carnaza, barbacoa, de bistek, adobada, but never anything that looked shredded.

    Cross the border in San Diego and have a real taste. Make it a day trip. If you want to see something interesting step through Cuahuila street in TJ after dark.

  2. it is so great that mexican food inspires such passion…..i don’t get to california often, so i’m far from an expert on the california mexican food scene…….the best food i’ve had in mexico has been in my travels through the yucatan, where the sophistication is really high level.
    but as an expat living in france, i suppose even a semi-real taco in SF becomes a thing of pure exstacy!! now if the french only learned how to make a good milk shake.

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